3 Steps to Make Your Small Business a Growth and Profit Center

Growing your small business takes careful planning and far-sighted business management practices, starting with a well defined business strategy.  It’s hard to get somewhere if you don’t have

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How Much Should I Pay Myself?

For business owners, deciding how much to pay yourself can be very difficult to do. On the one hand, you want to actually be able to enjoy the fruits of operating a successful business. On the other hand,

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How Do I Find Investment Capital?

If you’re looking to start a business or expand your current business, investment capital can be of paramount importance. Strategic planning is necessary to ensure that you get the funding you need.

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Things Every Small Business Needs to do in January – Week 2

Last week, we suggested a few accounting steps small business owners need to take so you stay on top of looming IRS and state tax deadlines. You can catch up by reading last week’s blog Things Every

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Things Every Small Business Needs to Do in January!

There are some serious accounting deadlines coming! We discuss these each year with our small business clients, and it always bears repeating. At the end of January, each business is responsible to deliver

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Net Present Value (NPV) and Opportunity Cost Explained

As many of our small business clients are recovering strong this year, families and entrepreneurs are considering expansion of their thriving business. It is worth discussing how to figure out “if it’s

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